I have been doing random hours over the past 2 weeks but this weekend really put my time to the garden because I am now done with all my hours! :) I spent today harvesting green beans/removing plant, planting hofsta, putting wood multch in alc bed, putting leaf multch in science wing, and making the beds twice as big near carriage barn.
It was a great summer and I learned a lot.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
My Final Day!
Hi everyone! It's rachel. As Mary stated, today is my last day working in the garden and on campus. I just wanted to thank Mr. Crossin, Mr. Bracker, Ms. Powell, and the donors for this wonderful opportunity. I was so grateful to be able to work outside during the summer to beautify our campus. Thank you also to my amazing partner, Mary, for helping me out so much and keeping me company during the long hours. Mary, you're the best! We worked so hard and accomplished a great deal and I hope our fellow classmates take notice. So as of 3 o'clock this afternoon, I have fulfilled my 120 hours for this internship. Thanks again for trusting me to help brighten the campus!
Today is Rachel's last day working in the garden, I still have 14 hours left and will miss her lots!
We worked in the garden creating a new bed along the science wing wall and the garden. We moved logs to act as our natural barrier for the beds. We also planted flowers in the bed along the ALC that we created yesterday. Along with the normal routine to make campus pretty for the start of school :)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Day 31!
Today Rachel and I had lots of work to do.
With the help of Danny Blinderman we, mulched the front of goodwin, dug new beds and filled them with leaf mulch. We also created a new bed on the back side of goodwin by laying down 3-5 inches of leaf mulch and fertilizer down.
Tomorrow and later today we need to:
Put equipment away in the shed
Make a bed along the science wing and next to the garden
Put manure between the doors of the ALC
Put more leaf mulch on top of the manure ^^
Deadhead the roses
Harvest carrots
Find the buckets that have gone missing
and maintain our normal routine
Day 30!
Rachel dug a ditch on the front side of Goodwin to prepare for mulching. We picked the tomatoes and brought them to John in the kitchen and spent lots of time watering and tending to the gardens. Not to forget deadheading.
Day 29!
Today we walked around campus weeding the beds around the carriage barn and the center island at schoool. We also spend a lot of time weeding between the beds and taking care of every single blade of grass growing. Soon we plan to cover the beds with more multch.
Day 28!
Sorry I havent been posting recently but the internet is down at my house.
So Monday I worked in the garden picking the tomatoes and putting them into a box to give to the kitchen staff. I also watered the garden and put a new layer of soil on top of the root vegetables. Rachel and I worked together watering the perenials and deadheading flowers around campus.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Day 27!
Today me and Rachel both worked in the garden. When I arrived she had begun to water the plants. Also on campus were the landscapers who were multching and weeding areas around campus so we were limited in what we could do. So we ended up deadheading around campus watering and pruning the front entrance.
Day 26!
A pretty gourd.
Half dead but pretty!
Today I did routine work around the garden by watering and weeding. I walked around campus and weeded the driveway area.In the garden I covered the exposed root vegetables with more soil and fertilizer to makes sure they can grow to the fullest.
When I picked the tomatoes off of the vine to set them aside I realized how many tomatoes we have. I have never seen that many cherry tomatoes in my life!!!!!!
Day 25
Green Tomatoes
Sorry guys! Forgot to mention that I was going on vacation for a week!But now I'm back and came back to find the garden almost the same. The winter squash that was wilting was gone! The bed was new and had healthy lettuce and beans growing.
I watered and weeded and had a friend stop by (a pleasant surprise) who helped weed the areas between the beds.
It was nice to see the garden growing well.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Day 24!
Today I worked in the garden picking the fresh tomattoes off the vine and placing them in a obvious spot so teachers and faculty could collect some fresh produce :).
I also spent a good amount of time weeding in the garden.
I made a decision that because the fence surronding the winter squash was falling over I would take it out of the garden and try to help the plants grow.
I also spent a good amount of time weeding in the garden.
I made a decision that because the fence surronding the winter squash was falling over I would take it out of the garden and try to help the plants grow.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Day 23

Sunflowers are growing tall!

The wilted winter squash :(

Pumpkins are growing!!!!
Today (thursday) i spent the day waist deep fighting the weeds along the driveway. I also made the decision to take the wire fence out of the winter squash because the fence was no longer supporting the plants and rather being pulled down on top of them due to the wait of the wilting plants. After getting all the squash free I learned that I was alergic to the plant and broke out in little hives all over.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Day 22!
Today I spent the day weeding and deadheading my way through campus. I did not get to the driveway thats what I will tackle tomorrow. The Winter Squash wilting more and more everyday, I'm not sure what to do besides put more fertalizer on the plants and giving them water. Hopefully they will improve.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Day 21!
Yesterday I took a break so I have to add one hour to my work today, Wednesday and Thursday.
Today I worked in the garden picking the ripe tomatoes and a few green beans. I also spent a good portion of my time just watering the garden because over the weekend and Monday the garden seemed to dry out somewhat. I also spent time fertilizing the beds and putting fresh soil in the beet and onion beds because the vegetables were visible.
Today I worked in the garden picking the ripe tomatoes and a few green beans. I also spent a good portion of my time just watering the garden because over the weekend and Monday the garden seemed to dry out somewhat. I also spent time fertilizing the beds and putting fresh soil in the beet and onion beds because the vegetables were visible.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Day 20!
I didn't garden on Friday because it was raining, so I made up for the time today (Sunday).
I just did some general pick up on campus by weeding around campus because i noticed areas in the mulch were growing little maple trees and grass. After that I watered the flowers and did a thorough deadheading of all the flowers on campus.
I just did some general pick up on campus by weeding around campus because i noticed areas in the mulch were growing little maple trees and grass. After that I watered the flowers and did a thorough deadheading of all the flowers on campus.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Day 19!
Today as I got to school I spent the time in the garden weeding. I haven't had to weed in a long time so I found a few large weeds growing in the carrots and within the winter squash.
There has not been any signs of the deer coming back but the repellent has killed the winter squash even more now it is wilting and much less abundant than it was a few days ago.
There has not been any signs of the deer coming back but the repellent has killed the winter squash even more now it is wilting and much less abundant than it was a few days ago.
Day 18!
Today Rachel and I tended to the beds around campus and wanted to go collect rocks but the construction was still going on so we couldnt :(.
We really just spent time by helping the little we could around campus (were doing such an amazing job there was almost nothing to do haha). We did not work in the garden although just with the flowers around campus.
We really just spent time by helping the little we could around campus (were doing such an amazing job there was almost nothing to do haha). We did not work in the garden although just with the flowers around campus.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Day 17!
Today I arrived after the huge storm last night and decided against watering the garden. First thing i did was spray the deer repellent on the garden (but avoided the winter squash) forgetting the horrid smell of the repellent, so that ruled out working in the garden.
Instead i weeded the perennial beds and deadheaded more flowers. I also fixed the rock wall because it looked as though some of the summer camp kids had tried walking on it and made some rocks slide out of place. It ended up i had extra rocks to put near the rose garden. Sometime this week hopefully I will be able to go out and get some new rocks to put around the basketball hoop.
Day 16!
Today Rachel and I both arived to work on the gardens to find not much to do. We tended to the garden by weeding (there was a small amount to do) and because of the forcasted down pours skipped watering the garden.
Our deer repelent has seemed to kill some of our plants. The once HUGE winter squash now is wilting and turning yellow :(
Friday, July 24, 2009
Day 14!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Day 13!
Today it was just me at the garden, I spent my time by mulching the areas we had created for the young trees, fixing the rocks that fell from the rock wall and putting fresh fertilizer and soil in the beds. I noticed lots of weeds have begun to grown through the mulch on the pathways, tomorrow I will tackle them.
Day 12!
Today Rachel and I completed the rock wall moving rocks around so it was visually pleasing. Then we went around campus deadheading and weeding the perenial beds. While we made a run to get some bandaids Ms. Powell showed up and sprayed the entire garden with some type of deer repelent (that smells like pee). The deer ate even more of my beans :(
With Ms. Powell's sugestion we took the extra rocks we had collected from the rock wall and created a ring around the young trees because they are always getting hit by the weed wacker. Later this week we are going to put fertalizer and mulch around the trees to protect them more.
With Ms. Powell's sugestion we took the extra rocks we had collected from the rock wall and created a ring around the young trees because they are always getting hit by the weed wacker. Later this week we are going to put fertalizer and mulch around the trees to protect them more.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Day 11!
Today, when I arrived Rachel and Ms. Powell were already hard at walk in the garden, we went through and Ms. Powell told us where the new plants were that she planted. After we spent most of our time collecting rocks for the new rock garden. We collected so many rocks and many heavy rocks that we had to call in Patrick for help and bring Ms. Powell's car over to transport the rocks. The day was full of hardwork!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Day 10!
Today with the help of Will Corban I completed my week long project of mulching the pathways between beds in our garden. It was a hot and muggy day with forcasted rain so I did not bother to water the beds. (they were also wet from the storm the night before). I did routine deadheading and weeding to finish out the week.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Day 9!
Today I weeded the area between the beds. It took nearly the whole time I was there to weed because along the beds grass has been growing like a field. I took two more wheelbarrows full of mulch to the garden. All I have left are the skinny pathways between beds, I have completed the entrances to the garden. Working perfectly the project tomorrow will have lasted me one week!
No need to water today it rained lots.
No need to water today it rained lots.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Day 8!
Today I had lots of help. I arrived at the garden all by myself and walked around the beds checking to see if i saw any weeds growing. Then I had some visitors. Ryan came by and helped me get wheelbarrows full of mulch back and forth. We delivered 4 loads of mulch and to the garden and I raked it out to cover the ground. Then Rachel stopped by and we went on an adventure searching for rocks to create a new rock wall. We found a decent amount and were able to create the first level to one of our rock walls near the Carriage Barn.
Hopefully tomorrow I will finish mulching the bed and gathering rocks :)
Hopefully tomorrow I will finish mulching the bed and gathering rocks :)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Question for John
Hey, You're basil is growing like crazy and would benefit from being picked. Would you like me to pick it and leave it in the kitchen? Or is someone going to come to pick it themseleves?
Day 7!
Today i contunied to mulch the garden and brought another two loads over to the garden. That was the main part of today besides weeding the beds near the carriage barn. Today there was not that much to do besides look over and make sure that they weeding was complete. Tomorrow I will continue to work on mulching the beds :)
Day 6!
Today I worked in the garden and just did the regular dead-heading and watering plants. I weeded the bushes next to the driveway.
But my project for this week is to re-mulch the area between the beds. So I began by bringing the rake and shovel out. I brought the shovel and wheelbarrow down to the mulch pile near the arts and athletics building. I brought 2 loads back to the garden and started to mulch between the beds but because it weighs a lot i decided to only do two loads. Tomorrow I will continue.
(I stepped on the rake today and now have a huge bump on my head.)
But my project for this week is to re-mulch the area between the beds. So I began by bringing the rake and shovel out. I brought the shovel and wheelbarrow down to the mulch pile near the arts and athletics building. I brought 2 loads back to the garden and started to mulch between the beds but because it weighs a lot i decided to only do two loads. Tomorrow I will continue.
(I stepped on the rake today and now have a huge bump on my head.)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Day 5!
Today I began by watering the potted plants around campus. I weeded a section between the beds because later in the day I started to cover the area with more mulch to try to prevent any grass (or other weeds) from growing. I had a few visitors today as Ms. Bovard stopped by to talk and the Powers family stopped by to pick their snow peas. It's nice to get a few visitors to stop by the garden. Next week i plan to weed all of the area between beds and cover it with a fresh layer of mulch!
I'll post again on Monday!
I'll post again on Monday!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Day 4!
Just one of the many types of tomatoes.
My advisory group's crop.
Ms.Van Kleef's squash are growing well.
Freshly watered :)
Our gardens are not only for food and herbs but flowers too!
Today I weeded the beds again and really weeded through the carrots because its hard to tell what is grass and what the carrots. I also noticed that the pumpkins are having a rough time and need some tending to. Another plant that needs tending too is the winter squash because one of the beds has begun to overgrow and is not invading the onions!!!!! I'll have to talk to Ms.Powell about the problems and get them all figured out!
Day 3!
Today I spent my time dead-heading the flowers on and around campus like the lily's and lilac plants. I also went hip deep into the bushes near the Carriage Barn to weed out the invasive mint, believe it or not mint has taken over the Carriage Barn plants and is every where. I think I took care of most of the mint. I also weeded the island of campus. I didn't spend much time on the actual gardens because they were well tended from Monday and from Rachel's visit earlier in the morning.
(More pictures coming tomorrow)
(More pictures coming tomorrow)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Day 2!
Today I went to work on the gardens. As soon as I began weeding the first section I had planed out for today's work it started to rain and thunder so i collected my stuff and went inside and waited the storm out. From yesterdays work I had realized that it takes much more time then I originally thought to weed. Although, today I managed to deadhead the flowers in the pots in front of school and weed the first few bushes and planted areas at the entrance of Watkinson. All a good days work :)
Monday, July 6, 2009
1st Day
Today was the first day of gardening. I spent 2 hours working in the garden today. I have been away from the end of school till Friday and today was my first day back on campus. I was amazed to see the growth of everything in our garden it was amazing to see! I spent the two hours weeding the beds and watering plants. Thankfully although I brought help. My boyfriend came out to help and Ms. Powell helped out a bit which helped a lot.
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